Wednesday, February 24, 2016

John 15:1,6-16

In my reflection tonight, I followed the S.O.A.P. method to guide my study.  You can read more about this method here.  

S. (Scripture): John 15:1,6-16
For today's Bible journaling, I sought today's Daily Office readings (Psalm 15, Acts 1:15-26, Philippians 3:13-21, John 15:1,6-16).  For a more in-depth explanation of how I choose what scripture to journal on, read this post. You can find and read today's scripture here.  

O. (Observation):
Key words were "abide" and "remain"
Key phrases were "my words abide in you" and "I call you friend"

A. (Application):
As I read through the scriptures several times, I began to see images in my mind.  This passage of scripture brought to mind several images and it was difficult to choose just one... so I incorporated many of them.  
I taught my weekly class tonight and we discussed many of the key words, phrases, and visualizations/images that caught different people's attention.  My Bible journal entry reflects many of the things we talked about and was inspired by a collaboration of the participants' ideas.  
Today, I faced a very difficult situation... a circumstance that I felt led to deliver a message... It was not received as it was intended and the person felt attacked.  It broke my heart that this is how the situation played out and my heart is heavy, knowing that the pain they are experiencing is due, in part, to the message I delivered.  For months, I have prayed for this person and about situations I have observed or endured. Last night and this morning, prior to speaking with them, I remained in prayer... I read scripture... I sought God and I felt burdened by the task that was ahead of me.  I feel I did the right thing and tonight's scriptures confirmed that for me.  I did abide in God... in His word... in His Spirit.  I did seek His guidance and Godly council and I did hear His voice.  I did lay this burden at the foot of the Cross and it IS in God's hands.  Tonight, despite the happenings of the day, I am at peace and I have had an unexplainable peace throughout the past 48 hours.  I know that this is a result of trusting God.  I know that He will uphold me in my own weakness.  I have been physically and emotionally exhausted but I have been revived spiritually through abiding in Him.

P. (Prayer):
Help me abide - remain - live in you, O Lord... so that your words remain top-of mind.  Guide my actions... guide my thoughts... guide my words.  Thank you, Lord, for your presence and your peace. Amen.

Peace give I to you; not as the world gives, give I to you. Peace give I to you.
Until tomorrow,