Monday, February 29, 2016

Just keep reaching... Mark 5:21-43

Today was a ... day.  

It was full of high "ups" and really low "downs."  It was full of prayer... and tears... and laughter... and conversation... and pain... and peace... experience and growth.  

This evening, I focused my study on Mark 5:21-43... It begins with the story of a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years.  As Jesus made his way through the crowd to see a girl who was very ill, this woman squeezed through people to reach Jesus because she had heard about him. She had been ill for 12 years - consulted MANY doctors - paid MANY dollars - and still had not been healed.  She said to herself "if I could just touch the hem of his robe, I will be healed" as she reached for the hem.  Jesus knew, as soon as she had touched his garment that healing had gone out of Him and he asked "who touched my robe?". 

Picture this... Jesus is walking through a CROWD and stops to ask "who touched me?".  His disciples must've been thinking "are you serious?"... you're surrounded by people and you want to know who touched your robe? 

As Jesus continued to look around, the healed woman, realizing what had just happened in her body because of His power, fell at his feet and told him what happened.  Jesus' response was so merciful... He simply told her that she was healed, not by the power within him, but by the faith that she had in Him.  

She reached... and reached... and reached... until she could brush her fingers against the mere hem of Jesus' robe.  

In times of need, when I pray to God, I always picture myself reaching up to hold God's hand, as if I were a child reaching for the hand of a parent prior to crossing a busy road.  I may spend days, weeks, months, or even years seeking help from those here on earth, but my help comes when I reach for God.  So in light of the occurrences of the last week and especially today, I am reminded to just keep reaching.  Yesterday, God said "I am with you."  Today, His message for me is to remind me to reach for Him.  

Lord, thank you for the gentle reminders... and the not so gentle reminders that you give me to encourage me to seek you in all situations.  Help me reach, Lord, beyond myself... beyond those around me... beyond this world... Help me reach for your hand - even if I can only reach the hem of your garment, I know it will be enough.

Peace give I to you; not as the world gives, give I to you... Peace give I to you.
Until tomorrow,