Monday, February 22, 2016

John 17 - I'm blown away.

John 17 is Jesus' High Priestly Prayer.  I first happened upon this passage of scripture about 4-5 months ago when I was sitting in on a "seeker forum" for newcomers to our church.  (As the newcomer minister at Good Shepherd, I attend these classes with newcomers to get to know them better and to get a better idea of what they are looking for in coming to church.)  Anyway... I was sitting in the class one day and we were discussing some of the foundational beliefs that the Christianity is built on and we came across the topic of the trinity... God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit... the three are one in the same, hence, the "Trinity."  Fr. Geoff directed us to John 17 and asked me to read aloud to the class.  As I read aloud, I had an epiphany.  Not only did Jesus go to the Father in prayer on behalf of those who had come before Him... he also prayed for those who were on earth with Him... He finished this beautiful prayer by praying for those who would come and hear about Him through stories... He prayed for you and for me.  

This. Is. Sobering.

This. Is. Powerful.

This... Is... Humbling.

Think about it... Jesus prayed for me.  Say that out loud.  
The Lord of Lords... the King of Kings... Emanuel... the Messiah... 

I don't know if this needs any more words, so I'm just gonna leave that right there. I'm interested in your thoughts and responses. 
Peace and humility, my friends. 

In Awe,


  1. He shows you are never insignificant.....

    1. God reminds me every day that I am special to Him... and I think that spending the time every day Bible Journaling and praying has really contributed to the communion that I feel I've been having with God.
