Saturday, February 13, 2016

Psalm 42 - As the deer longs for the water-brooks, so longs my soul for you, O God.

I am thirsty... thirsty for more of You, Lord... and less of me.  Fill my heart and quench my thirst with the drink that only you can wholly provide... your love.

My heart leapt today when I received a text message with a pictures of a few Bible journal entries from a friend of mine.  She's new to Bible journaling and she is loving the journey.  Seeing others get excited about a passion that God has ignited within me is so encouraging and fulfilling.  Thank you for being here, with me, through this journey.  Please, if you feel comfortable, please share your journaling in the comments.  I love to see how others interpret scripture... to see how God speaks to the hearts of others through this joyous and contemplative practice.  Commune with God and let his light shine.
Peace give I to you; not as the world gives, give I to you... Peace give I to you.
Until tomorrow,

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