Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Just A Closer Walk With Thee

Just a closer walk with Thee
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea.
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.

This is the song that has been running through my head today... It's been an emotional day for me... In dealing with the hardships of motherhood, an indescribable physical pain in my back (I'm pretty sure I pinched a nerve), empathizing with the frustrations and pain of some of the people around me and being overcome with tears of joy as I described the feelings that pour over me as I see others drink in the word of God in the same way that has touched me so deeply.  God is at work and I see evidence of His hand in every aspect of life... even the hard parts... the really hard parts.

I chose not to meditate on any one scripture today but I have spent so much time with God. The words of this song have reminded me that my chief goal in life.  I was recently invited to sing with the contemporary band in our 10:15 service and this is one of the songs that we led the congregation in singing.  I felt so blessed as I raised my voice in song to lead others in the same request.  My heart was filled with peace as the Holy Spirit descended on me... gently... like a dove... as I drew closer.  Even as I reminisce, I feel blanketed by an overwhelming peace.  Despite all the struggles of the day, as I lay my head to sleep tonight, I will rest in Him.

My journal entry today is simple and yet, layered.  I wrote the words of this song... drawn on the opening page of my Bible in various fonts that flowed from my fingertips.  I chose to draw these words on this page as I hummed the tune and took comfort in God's response to my plea, to remind myself that the goal in this Bible journaling endeavor is to draw closer to Him... not to show how artistic I am... not to practice my hand at painting... not to boast about my relationship with God... and certainly not to shame anyone else for their endeavors or non-endeavors towards a closer walk with Him... This is about my relationship with my maker... the lover of my soul... and just as I want to draw nearer to my husband in this life as we grow closer together, I desire even more to draw nearer to the heart of Jesus.

Be blessed, my friends... draw nearer.

Until tomorrow,


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