Sunday, February 28, 2016

"I AM who I am." Exodus 3:1-15

Who am I that you would send ME, Lord?  I am a sinner... I am no better than any of them... I am hated... I am judged... I am too fat... I am too skinny... I am too short... I am too tall... I am not faithful enough... I have doubts... I slip and fall... I am weak... I am bold... I am misunderstood... 

You name it, Moses thought it.  Don't we all?  This Exodus reading tells the infamous story of Moses and the Burning Bush.... an experience that told Moses that he's either 
A.) going crazy or 
B.) God's really busy.  

Either way, these are extraordinary circumstances!  This passage really spoke to me today because over the course of the last couple of years, I have asked God the same question... "Who am I that you would send ME, Lord?"  Over and over... situation after situation... circumstance after circumstance... conversation after conversation... opportunity after opportunity... obstacle after obstacle... and day after day... Why would you choose ME?  Of all the dedicated, faithful, more appropriately placed, equipped people in all the world, why ME?  

God's answer?  "I will be with you."  

Let that sink in for a second... God says - every single day - "I. Will. Be. WITH. You." - and He wants us to say "Ok, Lord... I surrender."  He prepares our path... and not only does He go before us, HE WALKS WITH US!  How blessed are we that we, God's chosen people, get to walk hand-in-hand with our maker - for as long as we are willing to hold His hand.

I trust you, Lord.  I trust that you've gone before me... that you are WITH me... and that you will continue your work after I'm gone.  Help me, O Lord, to remember to hold on and embrace your hand rather than pulling my own hand away and shoving it deep into my safe, warm, private pockets.

Until tomorrow... Peace, my friends... God is calling you.

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