Friday, February 26, 2016

Genesis 43:1-15 and Mark 4:35-41

In Genesis, Jacob, the father of 12 sons faces a difficult decision.  As he struggles with the task set before him - trusting the fate of his youngest son as he is used as a barter tool in a test issued by his other son, Joseph - Jacob trusts God to grant mercy on his children, regardless of what the outcome may be.  Jacob may lose his beloved youngest son... a result that would break his heart. And yet, he grants his sons a blessing of mercy on the journey ahead.

In Mark, the disciples and Jesus set out in a boat to cross the lake.  As they made their way, a fierce storm arose.  The disciples were scared and they woke Jesus asking whether or not he cared if they were in danger due to the storm.  Jesus responded with a profound thought... he said "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?" and then he commanded the storm to be silent and still... and the storm settled immediately.  The disciples were astonished at what they had seen.

These two passages really spoke to me today.  Jacob proved himself to be an honest man who is willing to accept God's will, regardless of the consequences or heartache that it might bring.  Jacob shows his faith in the goodness of God in this situation.  

Over the last couple days, I've been anxious and heavy-hearted about a recent situation that has come to light... questioning myself as time passes and nothing happens.  Today's scriptures reminded me to trust that God is at work - I trust God's goodness and am reminded to trust that I followed His guidance in the hard situations of this week.  Through these passages, God spoke to my heart - Do not be afraid - do you still have no faith?

Lord, thank you for your voice - the voice that whispers to my heart in the moments that I most need to hear it.  Help me, O Lord, to trust that you are at work and that you have granted mercy to me in each and every task that lies before me.

Peace my friends,
~Sara +

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