Saturday, February 20, 2016

Genesis 40 - He noticed.

Genesis 40 describes two different dreams, dreamt by two different imprisoned men, the King's baker and cup-bearer (highly trusted officials in the kingdom).  Neither of the men knew how to interpret their dreams and this made them sad. When Joseph saw them, he noticed that they looked upset so he asked them what was wrong. The men responded to Joseph, telling him of their dreams but were worried because they had no interpreter to explain the meaning of their dreams.  Joseph uses this moment of anxiety to point their attention to God when he tells them that interpreting dreams is God's business and asks them to share their dreams with him.   

The cup-bearer had a dream of a grapevine with three branches and the branches brought forth blossoms and grape clusters. In the dream, he was holding the Pharaoh's wine cup, so he squeezed the grapes into his cup and placed it in Pharaoh's hand.

The baker had a dream about three baskets full of bread stacked on his head, the top of which had pastries especially for Pharaoh. Birds came and ate the pastries from the basket on his head.  

After hearing the dreams, Joseph then interprets the meanings of the dreams and predicts their fate. In three days, the cup-bearer will be restored to his office and will place the Pharaoh's cup in his hand as he did before he was imprisoned.  In three days, the baker will be hanged and birds will peck away at his flesh.  Joseph asked the cup-bearer to mention his name to Pharaoh so that he might look on Joseph with favor and free him.  

Three days passed and Joseph's interpretations of the dreams came to pass, just as Joseph had predicted, but the cup-bearer forgot about Joseph in the presence of Pharaoh.

To begin this Bible journal entry, I visualized each of the men's dreams.  Tonight, I illustrated the cup-bearer's dream.  Tomorrow, I plan to illustrate the baker's dream.  

The key phrase in the passage that really caught my attention is verse 6; "When Joseph saw them the next morning, he noticed that they both looked upset."  So I thought about this quite a bit... and it made me wonder... How often do we see folks who are upset and not notice?  How often do we notice things and not act on our gut feelings?   Not only does Joseph discern how these men were feeling, he also engages them and asks them to share their worries. Beyond that, he reminded them of God's role in their dreams and lives.  

Joseph could've been so engulfed in his own affairs that he didn't notice the men... but he wasn't.  He could've noticed their anxiety and ignored his observation... but he didn't.  He could've asked and responded in judgment.... but he didn't.  Joseph saw an opportunity to connect... with these men and with God... and he seized that opportunity.

Lord, help me to notice... help me to discern... help me to have the courage to act when you nudge me to do so.  Help me to remember to act in ways that will point others towards you... not me.  Thank you, Lord, for your guidance in my life... in my friendships... in my marriage... in my ministry... in my parenting... in my studies.  

In Him,

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