Monday, February 15, 2016

Mark 1:1-11

Mark 1:1-11... John the Baptist baptized those who turned from their sin and asked God for forgiveness.  People came from Judea and Jerusalem to John the Baptist, confessing their sins .  John preached about the one who would come after him... he told the people that, although he baptizes with water, someone greater will come to baptize them with the Holy Spirit.  Then Jesus came to John to be baptized... when Jesus came up from the water, the skies parted and the Holy Spirit descended on him.  The scriptures described the Holy Spirit as descending like a dove. A loud voice billowed that this was, indeed, the Son of God, with whom the Father is well-pleased.

What a sight to behold, huh?! Can you imagine the looks on the faces of those who were watching and hearing the voice of God?

The Holy Spirit descended... it didn't fly down... it didn't jolt anyone with fear or take over abruptly... it a dove. What does that look like - to descend like a dove?  I imagine it's comparable to that feeling you get when you feel whole - in the embrace of your children or husband... in the moment that you know you've fulfilled a greater purpose.  Have you ever worked at a soup kitchen and fed the poor?  Have you ever spent time with someone who just needed to feel like they belonged to something - like someone cares?  Have you ever been the embrace of comfort to a hurting heart?  The feeling that these acts of service and care - acts of love - evokes is one that fills your heart... it's a soft descending of the Holy Spirit upon us. This is what I imagined the speculators might have felt.

This journal entry is not finished... and neither am I.  The colors aren't as vibrant as I'd like them to be... just as my life isn't as radiant as, I'm sure, God wants it to be.  What areas of life need the descending of the Holy Spirit?  I can think of several areas that I could use some comfort in... 

Lord, help me become the woman you want me to be... help me to make decisions and interact with others in a way that will allow others to experience the feeling of the Holy Spirit descending upon them... and in my own heart.  Thank you, Father, for the gifts of this life... for the gift of the Holy Spirit... for the gift of your love.

Peace give I to you; not as the world gives, give I to you. Peace, give I to you.
Until tomorrow,

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