Sunday, February 28, 2016

A picture far more beautiful...

I didn't blog yesterday.... and I am disappointed... but that doesn't mean I didn't spend time with God.  Yesterday, there were several Psalms listed in the daily office; the Genesis reading continued the story of Joseph and his brothers; In the 1 Corinthians (chapter 7) reading, Paul gives directions to the church in Corinth regarding marriage; and in the Mark reading, Jesus casts out demons (Legion) into a herd of pigs.  There was a wide variety of readings... all illustrating the power of God, the mercy of God, and the compassion of God. 

As I began reading over the scriptures, first thing in the morning, with my cup of warm coffee in hand, my oldest son joined me at the breakfast table.  I was reading the Psalms out loud by the time he sat down with me, I noticed he was listening.  As I always do, I reached for another Bible to read the scriptures from another translation and he asked "Can we read it out of my Bible, Mom?"  I said, "Of course," and I waited for him to fetch it and come back to the table.  We read it together and then we had a great conversation.  The key words and phrases that we each picked out as drawing our attention, we realized that God was drawing our attention to the same verses, but for different reasons.  

"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord." ~Psalm 27:14

I did not journal in my Bible yesterday but I remember the picture that God painted to begin my day... He gave my son and I some really special time to spend in His presence - a picture far more beautiful than anything I could have painted or drawn into the pages of my Bible.

Until a little later, friends... peace give I to you...


  1. Replies
    1. He's one of my faves too, Momma.

      I think my Mother-In-Law put it best... she said "My opinion? You journaled on your oldest son's heart and that by far has a further reach than anything I can fathom..... Thank you for sharing that personal, precious time with the rest of us."
