Thursday, February 11, 2016

Habakkuk 3:1-18

Good morning!  (and it really is a beautiful morning, isn't it?)  Today, I sat with God, my cup of hot coffee, and my Bibles and I felt hopeful and radiant and joyful.  Why?  Because I found HOPE in the scriptures...  
S (Scripture): Habakkuk 3:1-18
O (Observation): key words - "Rejoice"; "I will wait quietly for the coming day when disaster will strike the people who invade us."
A (Application): The world that we live in today is corrupt.  It hurts my heart to see leaders falter and show no repentance or sorrow for their wrongdoings.  They justify themselves and it's so disheartening.  There are leaders in schools, in government, in society, etc... There are even leaders in the church who stray from God (we all do, don't we?) and lead believers down the wrong path.  There are natural leaders who do not realize the power of their influence - and some do - but they lead their followers astray... rejoicing in their own wants, desires, and needs, rather than focusing on the wants, desires and needs of God.  This is not new to our time... it has been happening since the beginning of time.  It is the very reason that God sent the flood that we read about in the early chapters of Genesis.  The point of today's scriptures is this... though the world may crumble around us... God's wrath is due and will be poured out on evildoers.  We will witness these things... we do everyday.  There is suffering and pain and hatred and fighting... famine and barrenness, and fruitless efforts... but the believer will rejoice in God anyway.  The true believer knows that God's anger is justified and sees that discipline must ensue in order for God to be glorified in the end.  Many people ask (Habakkuk included) why God allows evil people to prosper while the righteous suffer.  God answers... They don't prosper - not in the long run.  Eventually, their evil deeds will catch up to them and the wrath of God will fall upon them.  For now, though, as believers, we rejoice in the knowledge and assurance that God is doing what is right and just and good... for the sake of those who love Him.  
P (Prayer): Thank you, Father, for your love and discipline... your willingness to be patient with me through my transgressions, mistakes, and failures. Help me to learn from those things rather than dwell in them.  Lord, help me to wait quietly, resting in the knowledge that your Plan is known fully to you only. Walk with me today and hold my hand.  Remind me gently to hold on to your guidance through every situation and circumstance - trusting only YOU and my faith in your goodness. Amen.

Where do I pull my scripture verses from?
I read several devotionals, off and on, fairly regularly. Most often, I read the Forward, Day by Day by Forward Movement (  On each day, at least four scripture readings are assigned and there is a brief meditation of a writer's interpretation of one of the assigned texts.  Today's choices were Psalm 37:1-18; Habakkuk 3:1-10(11-15)16-18; Philippians 3:12-21; and John 17:1-8.  Today I chose the Habakkuk reading because, simply put, I'm not very familiar with that book of the Bible and it peaked my interest.  Other suggestions for scripture are taken from  I am Episcopalian.  In the Episcopal church, we follow a liturgical calendar that determines the readings for each day.  A phone app that I have, the "electronic Common Prayer" ($9.99 by Church Publishing, Inc.) provides the daily lectionary too. Another phone app that I use regularly ("Bible" by Life.Church) provides a daily scripture -which is most often different from the ones listed in the liturgical plans - and sometimes I use that one.  The point here is that I pull scriptures from several resources - and that's okay!  In Bible Journaling, you do what works for YOU and GOD.  This is special time for you to spend in communion with Him - and he has a special message for you, personally.  

I hope you will share your journaling with me.  If you aren't journaling, that's okay... spend some time with God as your read through scripture and ask God what it is that He would have you remember today.  If you ARE journaling, I'd love for you to share your reflections in the comments section below.  Thank you for joining me today.

Until tomorrow,
Peace give I to you; not as the world gives, give I to you. Peace give I to you.


  1. There is a song based on verse 17 that goes like this, "I will rejoice in the Lord alway. I will rejoice in the Lord alway. Though the fig trees are barren and the cattle all die, and the crops have failed and the fields empty lie, and though he slay me, even though he slay me, I will rejoice in the Lord alway." (They slipped in a little Job (13:15) at the end.) Thank you for your message.

  2. Growing up in a Catholic environment, I listened to the Bible everyday but never really heard it. I don't know if the nuns and priests felt like reputation would allow me to learn the Bible but it did't teach me. Your writings and influence have opened my eyes and I am very thankful!
