Friday, March 18, 2016

So... it's been 5 days since I've blogged...

It's been a busy week... Sunday begins Holy Week and, as an employee of the church, I've had a lot to accomplish to make sure my responsibilities and ministries are ready for the week to come.  

This week, the fifth week of Lent, has been another week of carrying burdens... but after the burdens I recognized for the first three weeks of Lent, these were easier for me to give to God.  Two weeks ago, I attended a Lenten Quiet Day of Meditation, led by our assistant priest, Mother Nan.  It was a wonderful day, full of revelations for me... full of realizations, recognitions, and relinquishing control.  I came to many crossroads through the meditations I participated in that day... one of which was at the foot of the cross, raising my hands together towards Christ, offering my burdens for Him to take from me.

The realizations and revelations that I've discovered this week have been hard... but in many instances, I have found myself asking God what He wants me to be in each moment... to help me be what He needs me to be rather than being what I think I should be.  Through these moments, I have been learning that I am not called to carry every burden that I encounter.  That's a hard truth to realize... I am not the Messiah... nor do I want to be... but I do serve Him... through loving others... in the way that they need to be loved.

Today, I read Mark Chapter 10... many things caught my attention, but the one that I envisioned as I read through was Mark 10:25. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God."   As I thought and meditated, began drawing and then painting, I came to realize that the earthly riches that I have a tendency to collect, while they aren't tangible, are just that... earthly... pride and respect, honor and admiration, affection and acceptance, trust and dependence... they aren't treasures that will draw me nearer to God and they certainly won't gain me wealth in heaven... even permission to enter the gates.  I have been reminded this week that God placed me here for a time and a season... that the treasures I am collecting through the experiences of this life are the jewels of knowledge, wisdom, discernment, faithfulness, love, and peace... treasures that only God can give.  Without these treasures, this earthly "rich girl" will never make it to eternity... so here I am again... at the foot of the cross, laying down the burdens of my own selfish human desires and working for the jewels that really matter...

Until tomorrow, 
Peace give I to you, not as the WORLD gives, give I to you; Peace give I to you...


  1. You have always been a very talented artist, Sara, but your art takes on a new meaning with your glory to God.....I'm so proud of you!

    1. Thanks Momma... this is truly God at work in me... and it is so fulfilling.

  2. I love the way your mind works and the very real struggles that you bring to God. That is as important as your wonderful art. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    1. Thank you Mother Nan... your guidance has been such a blessing... and I am growing so much. Thank you for your gentle nudges and your steadfast presence.

  3. Good morning Sara. Long time no see. This is Steve Blanchard. How you been?
