Sunday, March 6, 2016

Psalm 32:9 - Stubborn and controlled

Today was a beautiful day... a day full of thought, examination, prayer, rest, relationship building, and peace.  Today's Gospel reading, Luke 15:1-3,11b-32 told the parable of the prodigal son... a story of reconciliation, grace, contrition,  confession, forgiveness, misunderstanding, and envy.  So many facets to this story... and in the sermon this morning, our priest asked "which role do you identify with? Is it the father, the messenger, the prodigal son, the older angry yet faithful brother?"  At different points in our lives and in various circumstances, we have all played each of these roles... some more often than others. 

When playing these roles in your everyday life situations, are you willing to make the necessary changes to reflect the wishes of God or are you continually acting like a mule or horse - stubborn and needing to be controlled?  Psalm 32:9 says "Do not be like the horse or mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you."  It's hard.  It's really hard to refrain from being stubborn... especially when you KNOW, in your heart of hearts, that you are Right.  Am I right?!  (I kid, I kid.)  As a Christian, though, it is much more righteous to understand when others need a bit of grace because they aren't able to accept the truth that lies before them.  It's important that we remain willing to understand that God is at work... and God's work is much more important than anything that we think or do on our own - especially when we're only persisting to prove a point.

Today, I choose to let go.  I choose to be like the Father today... my heavenly father, willing to love unconditionally.

Until tomorrow... Peace give I to you; not as the world gives, give I to you... Peace give I to you.


  1. This post touched my heart today. Scrolling on Facebook, I saw your illustration and felt led to investigate. Our God always points us in the correct direction for Spiritual manna; today He used this blog to send a kernal of peace inti my life. Thank you for being the messenger, <3 , may your day be filled with joy.

    1. SuziQ... your words are so encouraging. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you'll explore a bit... I am currently on a Lenten Bible Journaling journey and am learning as I go - both about Bible Journaling and about the heart of God. Thank you for your blessing - I pray God will shower you with joy and peace today and always.
