Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I know... too long since I've blogged... but get this....

I know, it's been WAAAAY too long since I've blogged... 11 days, actually... but rest assured that I have been in the scriptures... in the presence of God... and immersed into the remembrances of Jesus' ministry, the events relived throughout Holy Week and the last days of Christ on earth... it's been an amazing week and a half.  I wrapped up my Bible Journaling class with a final class last week, recapping all the concepts we've explored, all the supplies we've played with, all the techniques we've discovered, and the three most important things to remember in Bible Journaling.  I promise to post those things soon... as well as my Bible Journaling efforts and epiphanies that I've experienced throughout the season of Lent.  

But today... 
today, I had a lot of revelations... 
and I finally grasped a concept... 
a concept that I've wondered about my whole life...
a concept that I've wrestled with understanding for as long as I can remember...
a concept that is nearly beyond comprehension - in the human sense...
and for me... this is B.I.G.

So, here it is...

We are made in God's image.  That's scriptural... Genesis 1:27 says "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

God devoted a whole day (one sixth of his time creating the world) to creating man and woman... the details of our bodies, our minds, and our spirits... the details.  He built us, molecule by molecule, cell by cell, organ by organ... intricately designing us...

Psalm 139:13 says "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."

I'm sure I could find several scriptures to illustrate the point - that God made us in his image... intricately... carefully... patiently... and with the utmost attention to detail.

A few months ago, I was struggling with some chemical imbalances that affected my mood, my ability to make decisions, my memory, and many other things... I asked my priest how, if I am made in God's image, how does this work... I'm incomplete without medication... I cannot function normally without the help of chemicals added to my natural makeup.  I told her "I cannot be made in the image of God when I am this messed up."  Her response was balm to my soul... and much needed at that point in time... She told me that being made in God's image doesn't necessarily mean in His physical image.  That gave me great comfort in shifting my focus to spiritual matters... the spiritual likeness of my heart to God's.  

Today, I feel like God has given me such a gift in this revelation... I am made in his image - with a unified body, mind, and spirit.  In explaining the trinity to others, it is often difficult to put into words what it means that Jesus IS God and God IS the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit IS Jesus, etc. It's a hard concept to wrap our heads around.

But I can wrap my head around the fact that
1 - My spirit is ME
2 - My body is ME
3 - My mind is ME 
and, I am not the complete "ME" without all three of these components of my make-up.  Without my spirit, my body and mind might remain but they will not be the same... likewise without my body or my mind.

I am nearly 36 years old and I am JUST grasping this concept... sad, right?  NO WAY!   I'm probably only scratching the surface... which makes me excited for the journey ahead and all of the things God has in store.  

What are your thoughts? Do you have anything to add?  Questions? Leave a message in the comments section... Has this ever occurred to you?  How long have you had this realization? Is it something you've always kinda just... known?  I need feedback on this...

Awaiting your weigh-in...

In peace,

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