Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Mark 11:1-11 Jesus' Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem

Over the last couple of weeks, I have read, processed, absorbed, and mulled over the scriptures of Holy Week... I have noticed small details of the events of Jesus' final week on earth... more so than I ever have.  I have struggled with journaling these scriptures artistically because there are so many details that drew my attention. Over the next few days, as I process these stories artistically, I'll be sharing them with you.  Today, I spent two hours on these eleven verses... and a beautiful, meaningful, and contemplative two hours they were!  

S. (Scripture): Matthew 11:1-11
O. (Observation): Key words and phrases: Hosannah! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
A. (Application): This is the story of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem... the journey that ushers in Holy Week... the celebration of Palm Sunday.  Jesus sent a few men into the village prior to his arrival to bring an unridden donkey, telling anyone who asks what they're doing or why they're taking the donkey that the Lord needs it and it'll be returned soon.  So they went... and they found the donkey, just as Jesus had said they would.  They brought it to him, covered its back with their cloaks and Jesus sat upon the donkey. People threw their robes into the path before Jesus and others put leafy palms on the ground... they gave him a red carpet entry!  As I read through this passage, it dawned on me that this is something that we recite in the Episcopal liturgy every week... 
            Holy, Holy, Holy Lord; God of power and might.
            Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
            Hosannah in the Highest.
            Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
            Hosannah in the Highest. 

Wow. This, for me, brings new meaning to the words I recite each week in church... it gives me visuals to tie to the repetitive nature of my faithful practices. It's a renewed reminder that HE IS... not only RISEN... but HE IS COMING BACK... and that entry will be triumphant!  

P. (Prayer): Lord, thank you for your Son... thank you for your presence in my life. Thank you for bringing these scriptures to life for me, helping me to apply them in my daily life.  Help me, Father, to understand these scriptures to the fullest extent so that your name may be glorified in all that I do. Help me to live out the example that you've given me through Jesus. Thank you for the details... all the details... and thank you for this life. Bless me in my journey to come to others in your name.

Renewed peace give I to you; not as the world gives, give I to you. Peace give I to you.
Until later,
Sara +

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