Sunday, March 13, 2016

Moses in the basket

Last week, I finished reading Genesis... Long story short, Joseph's brothers returned to Egypt with their families and their father (Jacob); Jacob and Joseph were reunited; Jacob named his twelve sons and foretold the twelve tribes of Israel; Jacob died... Joseph died... their families remained in Egypt... and now we're on to Exodus.

Side note: that was a VERY concise synopsis... if you have some extra time, spend it reading the book of Genesis... it really is an interesting read... it kept me captivated. 

So anyway, Exodus... along came Moses.  It was Pharaoh's decree to have all the male children born to the Hebrew women killed at birth by the midwives, leaving the female children to live.  From what I understand, the Egyptians felt threatened by the growing Hebrew population and in an effort to reduce their numbers, the Egyptians began mistreating them and forcing them into slavery.  This would ensure a stronger race of people, similar to the more modern ideals of Hitler and the blonde-haired, blue-eyed "superior" race.  The Hebrew people, however, were faithful and could not bring themselves to kill the innocent baby boys who were being born into the world.  One Hebrew mother gave birth to a baby boy and kept him hidden for three months, until she couldn't conceal him anymore... to hide him, she made a basket to keep him safe among the reeds in the Nile River.  When Pharaoh's daughter went down to the riverbank, she found the baby in the basket and sent her maidservant to find a Hebrew mother to nurse him.  The princess adopted the child as her own and named him Moses, which means "I lifted him out of the water."  

What a story, right!?!  It just keeps getting more and more interesting.  Long ago, I had heard about the baby, Moses, in the basket, in the river but it was vague in my memory... and now, after having spent some contemplative and meditative time going over the story of how Moses came into the world... Moses, who led the people out of Egypt... Moses, who heard God's voice in a burning bush... Moses, who parted the Red Sea... MOSES!!!... I understand it so much better... so much clearer... and it's solidified in  my mind and heart.

This is a hopeful story of how Moses was saved... God chose Moses and kept him safe.  He has a lifetime full of faithful obedience ahead of him.  His mother knew he was special and she kept him hidden until she couldn't anymore.

Have you ever known that you were in a special place at a precise moment because God was at work?  It feels good to be called according to His purpose... to know that He will save you from the perils of this life on earth to further His kingdom... so that others can know Him... through YOU.  You are special... you may have been hidden until the right time... God may have tucked you into the safety of the reeds... protecting you because He loves you... until it was time for your life to be revealed... to others and, eventually, to you.  

Rest peacefully tonight, my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your faithfulness! Yes, God has a way of doing that with all of us - sometimes great needs are accomplished, sometimes little treasures are remembered.
