Tuesday, March 8, 2016

1 Corinthians 10:17 One Body

Lent.  We're 4 weeks in and have two to go. This Lenten journey has been one that God has used to change my heart and, hopefully, make an impact on the hearts of those around me.  In the midst of hardship, heartbreak, stress, anxiety, confusion, grief, and frustration, I have continually found an unexplainable peace in the most unexpected moments.  

This peace in the midst of the proverbial storm has given me confirmation after confirmation that I am, indeed, walking this journey hand-in-hand with my maker.  Each step of this journey, though difficult and sometimes seemingly impossible, has been blessed with unearned grace, newfound knowledge, developing wisdom and rapidly growing faith.  

In my Bible study tonight, I read 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1... I was stopped, several times, at the 17th verse of Chapter 10.  I pondered this verse, over and over, mulling back and forth, knowing that God had something to share with me.

When I first started going to our church in February 2014, I met a woman who changed my life.  Every time she met adversity, she countered the attack with faith, love, and an unexplainable peace.  This woman always had the right words, eloquently spoken with grace and confidence. She encouraged me daily to pray and to seek God with my heart, following His guidance as he whispered to my soul.  She never hesitated to take my hands into hers to pray with me in the moments that I most needed tangible evidence of God's presence.  I jumped into involvement in our church with both feet... I felt God there and I wanted to share His presence with everyone - any way I could.  One of the scriptures she focused her ministry on was this one... "We who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread."  As we planned the ministry fair together, she continually reminded me that we each ministry in the church is a vital part of the greater body... that together, we embody the Spirit of God.  When we work together, reconciling and embracing our differences as we discover and live into the gifts that God has given us individually, we work together to build the kingdom of God.  Eventually, my friend had to move to another city, 3 hours away and I ended up stepping into the empty staff position that she left at the church. While I could never wear her shoes and walk the journey she did (nor was I called to do that), it has been with her encouragement that I have been able to grow as much as I have over the last two years.  Janice taught me so many things... and continues to do so today... but the first thing I learned from her is that we are all part of one body - the body of Christ - though we are many, because we all share one bread, one cup. 

Peace my friends... be part of the body... none of us can do it alone. 
May God be glorified in all that we do... and may we all recognize His presence in our lives.

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