Friday, March 4, 2016

Genesis 45 - Joseph's Joy

Yesterday (and a little on Wednesday), I continued reading the story of Joseph in Genesis.  Over the last few weeks, I've learned a thing or two about Joseph...
1.  Joseph was one of twelve sons, born of Jacob.
2. Joseph was a product of his father, Jacob's, second marriage to his true love, Rachel.
3. Rachel and Jacob had two sons... Benjamin and Joseph... both of which their father favored over the other ten brothers born of his first wife, Rachel's sister, Leah.
4. Joseph was sold into slavery at a young age.
5. Joseph became Pharoah's top advisor in Egypt - which resulted in his riches and powerful position - a position that allowed him to provide for his family during the 7-year famine.
6. Joseph feared and loved God... and was grateful to his brothers for selling him into slavery because God used that situation to bless him.

Genesis reads like a soap opera!  There are ups and downs, surprises, and drama.  I haven't come across any dull moments in this story and I have learned so much history just by reading this book of the Bible and studying commentaries on the stories within.

In Genesis 45, Joseph is reunited with all of his brothers and he was filled with joy.  After a tearful reunion with Benjamin and the other brothers, Joseph wanted to hear about their families and, most of all, their father.  Joseph insisted that his brothers load down his wagons full of grain and food and supplies, clothing and many other gifts of sustainability and make the trip back to the land of Canaan.  He wanted them to feed their families, take care of them, and his father... and then he wanted them to fill the wagons with all their family members and come back to live with Joseph.  As they prepared to part ways, Joseph gave each of his brothers a change of clean clothes for the journey.  For his youngest brother, Benjamin, though... he gave five pairs of clothing and 300 shekels of silver.  Just like his father, he showed favoritism towards Benjamin because they shared the same mother.

Can you imagine the joy the brothers experienced in being reunited with their long-gone brother - the one they sold into slavery.  Can you imagine the relief they felt when Joseph wasn't angry with them for the decision they made in doing so?  Can you imagine the excitement they felt when Joseph said he'd save them (and their entire families) from the last 5 years of the 7-year famine that they were enduring?

In reading this story, I felt joy.  I felt relief.  I felt favor. I felt excitement. I felt mercy and grace.  I felt hopeful. I felt content... on behalf of Joseph and his family.

My journal entry reflected the fun-natured joy that I felt.  Cartooning is not my typical style - to put this picture in my Bible, I found the illustration on Google Images and traced it into my Bible. The main reason for this fun picture is to help me remember this story.   I used Micron pens to trace over my penciled image and then I watercolored the picture.  I love it... and I enjoyed painting it.

Until later... 
Peace, my friends...


  1. I never thought of Genesis as a soap opera....hhhmmm

    1. Someone else actually brought this to my attention... but I totally agree! It's a great series of events.
